In this blog inspired by Wolf, I showcase models that I design and post information of interest to the origami folder. I also have a photostream in Flickr (the link is down there). Do enjoy your visit here and don't forget to tag or leave a few comments on my work! If you have folded any of my models, please send their pictures to me, and I will be delighted to publish them in this blog. By the way, please check out the "Important Links" below the archives; they are that important :) The "Origami Singapore" page has links to other folders from Singapore. Have fun!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Cottage Roof II

It's the holidays again!

In the past few months, I was bogged down by homework, projects and exams. Sorry if you've been disappointed by the "hibernation" of this blog. To make it up for it all, here comes the tenth post!

If you take a look at the previous post, you will notice that the cottage roof shown there seems to be a little incomplete. A true cottage roof just has to extend beyond the top of the building, doesn't it? After days of thinking and planning, I decided to use this sub-model, which just might help things out.

The whole idea of the new roof is just to create a "platform" and create a cottage roof right beneath it. The edges of this platform will extend beyond the roof and make it look more complete.

This certainly looks familiar, doesn't it?

However, I've added all the correct creases to this CP, and if you compare this CP to previous ones, you will realise that this CP looks a little different. I usually avoid putting all those minor creases there to avoid confusion, but I realised that many of you might have been stumped by their absence.

This is what the platform looks like:

In this sub-model, a 6 x 6 platform with x = 1 is used. Work out how to make one yourself!

A zoom-in to the corners of the platform:

There! Hope you can understand the CP better now.

These are the "extensions" I'm looking for:

After folding it, you will realise that this sub-model has a lot of room for variation. Indeed the size of the "platform" can be changed, but it has to follow a set of rules:

  1. The width of the eight "columns" extending from the raised platform ("x") have to be equal.
  2. Any dimension of the platform cannot be smaller than 2x.
The next step wil be to create a simple cottage roof right under it.
This is a little complicated, but so long as the tip of the roof touches the middle of the platform, you are done. By now you will realise that a whole new roof has been created, one that extends along the edges of the simple cottage roof.

You can see now that the 6 x 6 platform has been stretched over the top of the building to extend the roof.

Finally, all you have to do is to continue stacking building blocks under it and make a house!

Wait... there's something extra!
What's that at the bottom of the house?
Could it be... a set of doors?
Only one way to find out...... wait for the next post!

Good Luck!

Origami as Pure as Snow

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