In this blog inspired by Wolf, I showcase models that I design and post information of interest to the origami folder. I also have a photostream in Flickr (the link is down there). Do enjoy your visit here and don't forget to tag or leave a few comments on my work! If you have folded any of my models, please send their pictures to me, and I will be delighted to publish them in this blog. By the way, please check out the "Important Links" below the archives; they are that important :) The "Origami Singapore" page has links to other folders from Singapore. Have fun!

Monday, June 18, 2007

A Simple Cottage Roof

No building is complete without a roof, so why don't we make? Here's a really simple one that's actually derived from the Building Block itself. After making one, you can stack it on a building block to make a simple house.

Roof first, then:

This CP bears a marked resemblance with the Building Block, doesn't it?

After a little experimentation, you should get this:

Sorry about the messy background.

Note the pleats on the right:

The roof is pretty loose and needs the help of a building block under it to lock the flaps down into a house:

Nice and neat.

As mentioned in the previous post, you must experiment with the model yourself to get it right.

By now, you should have realised the absolute importance of the heavy precreasing. Saves a lot of trouble, doesn't it? (Well actually it brings all the trouble to the front. As the chinese say, ć…ˆè‹ŠćŽç”œ.)

I apologise for the apparent lack of text in this post, I'll try to make it up in future posts...

As usual, good luck!

Origami as Pure as Snow

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